Originally a native of Illinois, I moved to Michigan 4 years ago with my husband and our 2 daughters when my husband's job transferred the family. Since being in Michigan, I have been employed as a multi-state licensed Property and Casualty Insurance agent. I am currently licensed in 11 states, including Michigan. My professional background in the financial industry spans over a decade which initially started in retail banking and management before transitioning into the insurance industry.
As a result of being in the financial industry, I have gained a profound understanding and appreciation for the importance of having multiple income streams. Even when I was a single mother in my 20s and early 30s, I always worked multiple jobs to provide various forms of income for my home; thus, the path to entrepreneurship was pre-destined. While I no longer have to work multiple jobs, I do run various businesses. I run a travel and network marketing business and I am co-owner of an apparel business with my husband.
As a travel business owner, I am the owner of Destiny Destination Travels LLC, a travel agency that curates adult-only travel itineraries. Being the owner of a network marketing business allows me to empower others to create additional income for their households and long-term generation wealth through entrepreneurship in the travel industry as well. In addition to my own business, I am co-owner of a faith-based apparel business with my husband, Kingdoms Kreations. We started the business back in 2022 because my husband wanted to combine his love for sports with his passion for Christ to represent boldly on the every leisure apparel of those who shared similar faith-based principles. Presently, we operate our business as an online based business. ​
Business is not all that encompasses who I am as I have many outside passions. One of those being my involvement in my church Impact Metro Detroit as a member on the New Membership auxiliary and and a team member on the Outreach team. I firmly believe that our rent for being in this world is our service to others, so being apart of both of those ministries has bought me great joy. Another role that I am extremely passionate about is my role as a contributing writer for the Ladies League of Detroit's monthly newsletter. The role of contributing writer was a perfect fit for me as I have published my own memoir entitled "Just A Woman Stepping Out of Her Grave: My Experience with Healing After Grief" and I have a podcast to accompany the book entitled Just A Woman available on Iheart Radio, Spotify, and Apple Podcast. My love for writing goes over 30 plus years deep so I look forward each month being able to allow that love to be shown in the articles that I contribute.
However, of all of my many passions my biggest accomplishment is having 2 daughters currently in college. My oldest is completing her final Senior year of College at HBCU Johnson C Smith University in Charlotte where her desire is to enter the field of social work in the aspect of policy change, and my youngest daughter just entered into her freshman year of college locally at EMU where her desire is to create a facility of career training opportunities for youth.
If there is a quote or phrase that I attempt to adhere to each day it would be the well known Serenity Prayer that both of my late parents cherished: God Grant me the Serenity to Accept the things you cannot change, have courage over the things you can change, and possess the wisdom to know the difference.